Thursday 25 June 2015

Neuro Case

A 31 year old female patient, delivered 9 days prior to admission in our hospital. She was very happy mother who was feeding and enjoying motherhood. On the 8th day of her delivery noted to have mild headache which suddenly increased to very severe throbbing headache. She got admitted in a  local hospital . But her headache progressively increased .On the next day she had one episode of seizure and became comatose.  So she was shifted to our hospital in view of seizure and headache. At the  time of admission , she was drowsy  and  she was immediately shifted to ICU under the care of Epileptologist and a portable 24 hour EEG was connected . EEG monitor showed continuous silent seizures. Anti epileptic medicine in the form of injection was started for seizures. Within two hours of drug infusion, EEG showed reduction of seizure intensity and within 6 hours of admission, she regained consciousness and was in a state to talk legibly with full comprehension.  Next day she was shifted to ward . MRI Brain showed multiple hemispheric bleed with SAH and possibility of atypical press was considered. She was continued on treatment. Medications were put in such a way that she can feed the baby also without any drug effect on baby. She was discharged after one week in a fully healthy state.

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