Thursday 12 November 2015

Article 1

           A report of intracranial aneurysmal coil rotation

Coil compaction (bunchup of coils) after aneurysm coiling is a wellknown phenomenon, which is associated with aneurysm recurrence and its regrowth.[1] This is especially seen in large aneurysms or endon aneurysms. However, we report an unusual case of asymptomatic delayed “coil rotation” within a small aneurysm of distal anterior cerebral artery.

A 60-yearold male presented with sudden onset severe headache and vomiting followed by transient loss of consciousness. His computed tomography scan was suggestive of left paramedian frontal lobe hematoma. His initial digital subtraction angiogram (DSA) was negative; however, the follow up DSA after a month revealed a left A2 segment anterior cerebral artery aneurysm measuring 1.5 mm × 1.5 mm. He underwent coiling using a
1.5 mm × 1 cm twodimensional helical coil and was discharged in a stable condition. His 6 month followup check angiogram did not reveal either a residual/recurrent aneurysm or coil compaction. However, the single coil, which was initially vertically oriented at the time of coiling, was now lying horizontally within the aneurysm [Figure 1]. No evidence of occlusion of the adjacent normal artery as well as the parent vessel was noted.

Figure 1: Serial digital subtraction angiogram, lateral view following right internal carotid artery injection. (a) Pretreatment digital subtraction angiogram showing a small distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm (arrow); (b) digital subtraction angiogram image immediately after the coiling; (c) digital subtraction angiogram image during 6 months followup; (df) enlarged view of the aneurysm, the coil appearance immediately after coiling, and after 6 months

This phenomenon of “coil rotation” has not yet been reported in the literature; hence, its clinical significance is not known. However, the possibilities of rebleeding during or following rotation of the coil, coil migration and thromboembolic phenomenon remain clinical concerns. At the time of coiling, threedimensional, smallsized coils were not available; hence, twodimensional helical coils were used. With the current availability of threedimensional, small-sized coils, theirpreference in these types of cases may be a viable option.

Harsha Jayaprakash Kamble
Department of Endovascular Neurosurgery,
IndoAmerican Hospital, Brain and Spine Centre,
Chemmanakary, Vaikom 686 143,
Kerala, India.

1.      Sluzewski M, van Rooij WJ, Slob MJ, Bescós JO, Slump CH, Wijnalda D. Relation between aneurysm volume, packing, and compaction in 145 cerebral aneurysms treated with coils. Radiology 2004;231:6538.

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Kamble HJ. A report of intracranial aneurysmal coil rotation. Neurol India [serial online] 2015 [cited 2015 Aug 11];63:605-6. Available from:

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